

Self-Reliant in Technologies and services through affordable High Quality Technical Education producing Transformed & Competent Skilled Manpower promoting Traditional Knowledge System, Grass-Root Innovations and technology for Economic development and Environmental Stability.


  1. To provide well defined curriculum with periodic updates which facilitates interconnectedness and collaboration between Academia& Industryto address employability and complex issues.
  2. To provide State-of -the-art Infrastructural and learning facilities for conducive learning environment.
  3. To develop a robust system for teachers and foster experience through Higher Studies, trainings and experiential learning to facilitate effectively the various needs of the students.
  4. To strengthen Technological development so as to address the socio-economic needs of the state and provide a pathway for employability and sustainability through various career opportunities.
  5. To accelerate research (including multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research) and innovation in the state.
  6. To ensure synergetic efforts of Education Policies towards its goal.
  7. To enhance capacity development for inculcating and promoting technical temper across the states people through equity and inclusiveness catering to the diverse needs of the state.
  8. To empower Technical Education through means of effective ethical and regulatory frameworks
  9. To strengthen the Technical Education ecosystem so as to build resilience for the future social and economic disruptions
  10. To ensure a clean environment, through green technology initiatives.


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